by Marvin Schuldiner | Jun 16, 2008 | Divorce Mediation and Law, Elder Mediation and Elder Law and Issues |
Each Friday, I volunteer some of my time to help the Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic. My role there is a reader; I read the books which are recorded on digital audio for blind and dyslexic people to be able to use primarily college and high school text books. ... by Marvin Schuldiner | Jun 1, 2008 | Divorce Mediation and Law |
The Miami Herald (Palm Beach Post) had another article about divorce parties and divorces. Friday night, a network of local self-help authors and divorce experts hosted their second divorce party at Christopher’s Nightclub in Fort Lauderdale. Their first party,... by Marvin Schuldiner | Jun 1, 2008 | Divorce Mediation and Law |
The Akron Beacon Journal recently had an article which discussed mediation and its merits. Some excepts: Look in the Akron Yellow Pages under ”attorneys” and you’ll find a section so thick it has its own color code. Look under ”mediators”... by Marvin Schuldiner | May 7, 2008 | Divorce Mediation and Law |
Southern California attorney Brian Don Levy has an excellent video of himself posted on-line which describes divorce mediation and its benefits. I’ve embedded it below. He is a collaborative attorney and lends the impression that the attorneys are present during... by Marvin Schuldiner | May 2, 2008 | Arbitration, Divorce Mediation and Law, Elder Mediation and Elder Law and Issues |
The State of New Jersey is currently going through the budget process for the fiscal year that begins in July 2008. Like many states, NJ is projecting a large budget deficit due to the downturn in the economy. As a result, all government agencies are being asked to... by Marvin Schuldiner | May 1, 2008 | Arbitration, Divorce Mediation and Law, Elder Mediation and Elder Law and Issues |
New Jersey Lawyer recently took a look at where the future of the practice of law was heading. They surveyed several prominent NJ lawyers to do so. Among the areas of change noted was the lessening of trials to resolve disputes (currently, only 1.8% of all cases...